Online Courses Offered
Below is a listing of courses offered in upcoming online undergraduate and graduate studies terms.
*Note: course listing and availability is subject to change
Undergraduate Studies - $400 per credit
- AC213 Intermediate Accounting I
- BA213 Business Law 1
- BA471 Business Strategy & Ethics
- BI235 Human Health and Nutrition
- CJ210 Courts & Criminal Procedure
- COMM234 Film Genres
- EMSP304 Public Health Emergencies
- EMSP320 Emergency Communications
- FM224 Principles of Financial Management
- FM257 Real Estate Investments
- FM311 Managerial Finance
- GLE103 Career Image, Planning & Management
- GLE110 First-Year Composition
- GLE112 Integrated Science I
- GLE210 Ancient & Medieval Worlds
- HCA315 Epidemiology
- HU 211 Death & Dying
- IB364 International Business
- MK214 Consumer Behavior
- MN307 Human Relations
- MN365 Production & Operations Management
- MT260 Statistics I
- NR200 Intro to Holistic Health
- NR300 Transition to Baccalaureate Nursing Practice
- NR320 Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing: Understanding Nursing Research
- NR330 Clinical Decision Making
- NR445 Community Health Nursing: Individual & Family Client
- PL105 Litigation
- PL106 Real Estate Law
- PS270 Psychology of Terrorism
- PS494 Senior Seminar in Psychology
- AC101 Principles of Accounting I
- AC102 Principles of Accounting II
- AC214 Intermediate Accounting II
- AC314 Cost Accounting
- AC474 Advanced Accounting I
- CIT140 Electronic Spreadsheets
- CJ221 Corrections
- CJ345 Criminology
- EMSP305 Risk Management Prac. in Health Serv.
- ET102 Principles of Microeconomics
- FA180 Foundations of Art
- GLE113 Integrated Science II
- GLE103 Career Image, Planning & Management
- GLE220 America's Themes and Dreams
- GLE230 Second-Year Composition
- HCA340 Healthcare Finance
- HCA450 Leadership & Management in Healthcare Organizations
- HS204 US History Since 1945
- HU211 Death & Dying
- HU220 Creating a Family
- IB364 International Business
- MK333 Marketing Research
- MK360 Mobile Marketing
- MN370 Quality Business Management Systems
- MN371 Entrepreneurship
- NR320 Evidence Based Practice in Nursing
- NR400 Health Policy
- NR420 Health Promotion Across Lifespan
- NR446 Community Health Nursing: Group Populations
- NR490 Leadership in Professional Nursing
- PL107 Business & Corporate Law
- PL108 Family Law
- PS308 Evolutionary Psychology
- PS494 Senior Seminar in Psychology
- PUBH310 Foundations of Environmental Health Sciences
- SO205 Racial Inequality
- AC323 Auditing
- BA471 Business Strategy and Ethics
- CJ301 Criminal Investigation & Evidence
- FM224 Principles of Financial Management
- GLE110 First-Year Composition
- GLE112 Integrated Science I
- HCA201 Introduction to Healthcare Administration
- HS308 From Sea to Shining Sea: the Geography of the United States
- HU211 Death & Dying
- MK201 Principles of Marketing
- MK350 E-Commerce
- MU150 Fundamentals of Music
- NR300 Transition to Baccalaureate Nursing
- NR320 Evidence Based Practice in Nursing
- PA101 Introduction to Philosophy
- PL109 Criminal Law
- PS101 Introduction to Psychology
- PS405 Family & Intimate Partner Violence
- SO203 Community Organization & Advocacy
- BA213 Business Law I
- EMSP303 Medical Operations & Personnel Management
- EMSP403 EMS Integrated Seminar
- ET101 Principles of Macroeconomics
- FA183 History of Art
- FM311 Managerial Finance
- FM423 Investment Analysis
- GLE113 Integrated Science II
- HCA360 Healthcare Ethics, Policy & Law
- HS319 History of New England
- IB364 International Business
- MK335 Public Relations
- MN201 Principles of Management
- MN314 Human Resource Management
- MN426 Government & Business
- MT151 College Algebra
- NR200 Holistic Health
- NR400 Health Policy & the Role of the Professional Nurse
- PA209 Ethical Reasoning
- PS215 Health Psychology
Graduate Studies - $665 per credit
- AC530 Business Taxation
- AC560 Non-Profit and Government Accounting
- ED506 Educational Psychology
- ED510 Design and Management of the Learning Environment
- ED515 Primary Literacy
- ED517 Methods in Teaching Social Studies
- ED540 Assessment and Identification of the Exceptional Learner
- GM510 Seminar in Leadership
- GM520 Legal and Ethical Issues
- GM535 Managerial Communications
- GM540 Organizational Behavior
- GM541 Managerial Accounting
- GM542 Quantitative & Research Techniques
- GM543 Economics for Managers
- GM550 Business & Society
- GM561 Financial Management
- GM562 Marketing Management
- GM564 Operations Management for Leaders
- GM565 Compensation & Benefits
- GM592 Health Policy
- GM596 Quality Improvement in Health Care
- GM691 Strategic Management Seminar
- NR520 Health Policy and Population Health Issues
- NR540 Evidence-Based Practice
- NR545 Clinical & Classroom Teaching Strategies in Nursing
- NR565 Strategic Planning & Project Management for Nurses I
- NR575 Advanced Pharmacology
- NR710 Nursing Management Across the Lifespan
- NR711 Nursing Management Common Health Lab
- SF508 Facilities Management
- AC565 Ethics and the Accounting Professional
- AC630 Audit – Risk Management & Assurance Services
- ED505 Teaching & Learning in a Democratic Society
- ED509 Understanding & Teaching Exceptional Learners
- ED510 Design & Management of the Learning Environment
- ED516 Teaching Literacy Across the Curriculum
- ED518 Methods in Teaching Mathematics
- ED541 IEP & Instructional Considerations
- GM510 Seminar in Leadership
- GM520 Legal & Ethical Issues
- GM540 Organizational Behavior
- GM542 Quantitative & Research Techniques
- GM543 Economics for Managers
- GM561 Financial Management
- GM562 Marketing Management
- GM564 Operations Management for Leaders
- GM570 Training & Development for Adults
- GM594 Health Care Payment Systems
- GM630 Energy Economics
- GM691 Strategic Management Seminar
- NR510 Nursing Science in Practice
- NR530 Inferential Statistics
- NR585 Advanced Health Assessment
- NR750 Maternal/Child Nursing
- SF512 Analytics in Sports Management
- AC640 Accounting Information Systems
- AC670 Contemporary & Emerging Accounting Issues
- ED506 Educational Psychology
- ED508 Introduction to Assessment
- ED545 Effective Consultation & Communication
- ED578 Action Research in the Classroom
- GM510 Seminar in Leadership
- GM535 Managerial Communications
- GM540 Organizational Behavior
- GM541 Managerial Accounting
- GM542 Quantitative & Research Techniques
- GM563 Human Resource Management
- GM596 Quality Improvement in Healthcare
- GM625 Labor Relations & Employment Law
- GM691 Strategic Management Seminar
- NR520 Health Policy & Population Health Issues
- NR540 Evidence-Based Practice
- NR549 Evaluating Learning & Assessing Competence
- NR570 Strategic Planning & Project Management for Nurses II
- NR730 Psychology & Mental Health Nursing
- SF502 Media & Technology in the Sports Industry
Please visit our Online Academic Catalog for more information on available courses.
TO REGISTER for online courses:Current FPU students, please reach out to your advisor or register for a class today
by visiting CampusWeb. |
CONTACT the admissions team
Undergraduate Admissions
(800) 437-0048
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Graduate/Online Admissions
(800) 325-1090
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.